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//! This module contains Yew's web worker implementation.
//! ## Types
//! There're a couple kinds of agents:
//! #### Oneshot
//! A kind of agent that for each input, a single output is returned.
//! #### Reactor
//! A kind of agent that can send many inputs and receive many outputs over a single bridge.
//! #### Worker
//! The low-level implementation of agents that provides an actor model and communicates with
//! multiple bridges.
//! ## Reachability
//! When an agent is spawned, each agent is associated with a reachability.
//! #### Private
//! Each time a bridge is created, a new instance
//! of agent is spawned. This allows parallel computing between agents.
//! #### Public
//! Public agents are shared among all children of a provider.
//! Only 1 instance will be spawned for each public agents provider.
//! ### Provider
//! Each Agent requires a provider to provide communications and maintain bridges.
//! All hooks must be called within a provider.
//! ## Communications with Agents
//! Hooks provides means to communicate with agent instances.
//! #### Bridge
//! See: [`use_worker_bridge`](worker::use_worker_bridge),
//! [`use_reactor_bridge`](reactor::use_reactor_bridge)
//! A bridge takes a callback to receive outputs from agents
//! and provides a handle to send inputs to agents.
//! #### Subscription
//! See: [`use_worker_subscription`](worker::use_worker_subscription),
//! [`use_reactor_subscription`](reactor::use_reactor_subscription)
//! Similar to bridges, a subscription produces a handle to send inputs to agents. However, instead
//! of notifying the receiver with a callback, it collect all outputs into a slice.
//! #### Runner
//! See: [`use_oneshot_runner`](oneshot::use_oneshot_runner)
//! Unlike other agents, oneshot bridges provide a `use_oneshot_runner` hook to execute oneshot
//! agents on demand.
extern crate self as yew_agent;
pub mod oneshot;
pub mod reactor;
pub mod worker;
pub use gloo_worker::{Bincode, Codec, Registrable, Spawnable};
mod reach;
pub mod scope_ext;
pub use reach::Reach;
mod utils;
pub mod __vendored {
pub use futures;
pub mod prelude {
//! Prelude module to be imported when working with `yew-agent`.
//! This module re-exports the frequently used types from the crate.
pub use crate::oneshot::{oneshot, use_oneshot_runner, UseOneshotRunnerHandle};
pub use crate::reach::Reach;
pub use crate::reactor::{
reactor, use_reactor_bridge, use_reactor_subscription, ReactorEvent, ReactorScope,
UseReactorBridgeHandle, UseReactorSubscriptionHandle,
pub use crate::scope_ext::{AgentScopeExt, ReactorBridgeHandle, WorkerBridgeHandle};
pub use crate::worker::{
use_worker_bridge, use_worker_subscription, UseWorkerBridgeHandle,
UseWorkerSubscriptionHandle, WorkerScope,
pub use crate::{Registrable, Spawnable};