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Function use_future_with

pub fn use_future_with<'hook, F, D, T, O>(
    deps: D,
    f: F,
) -> impl 'hook + Hook<Output = SuspensionResult<UseFutureHandle<O>>>
where F: FnOnce(Rc<D>) -> T + 'hook, T: Future<Output = O> + 'static + 'hook, O: 'static + 'hook, D: PartialEq + 'static + 'hook,
Expand description

Use the result of an async computation with dependencies, suspending while waiting.

Awaits the future returned from f for the latest deps. Even if the future is immediately ready, the hook suspends at least once. If the dependencies change while a future is still pending, the result is never used. This guarantees that your component always sees up-to-date values while it is not suspended.


When used in function components and hooks, this hook is equivalent to:

/// Use the result of an async computation with dependencies, suspending while waiting.
/// Awaits the future returned from `f` for the latest `deps`. Even if the future is immediately
/// [ready], the hook suspends at least once. If the dependencies
/// change while a future is still pending, the result is never used. This guarantees that your
/// component always sees up-to-date values while it is not suspended.
/// [ready]: std::task::Poll::Ready
pub fn use_future_with<F, D, T, O>(deps: D, f: F) -> SuspensionResult<UseFutureHandle<O>>
    F: FnOnce(Rc<D>) -> T,
    T: Future<Output = O> + 'static,
    O: 'static,
    D: PartialEq + 'static,
    /* implementation omitted */